Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Has a surfer discovered the theory of everything?

When Albert Einstein published his paper on his special relativity theory in 1916, it seemed as though he had turned the physics of Isaac Newton on its ear, but in fact, he used Isaac Newton's physics as a base on which he could build his own theories. The universe is too complex for one person to understand alone, so physicists must rely on the aggregate findings of their peers to learn just what makes the universe tick. This includes the standard model of quantum physics, a theory began by Max Planck in 1900, which is arguably one of the most influential theories to date.
While many have contributed to the study of physics, not all theories have been proven correct, or even useful. Some theories are pared down, others are discarded entirely. Many researchers spend their life's work in pursuit of theories that later prove inaccurate. It is with this knowledge that A. Garrett Lisi submits his theory of everything to the world -- his "Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything."

A. Garrett Lisi
Courtesy A. Garrett Lisi
A. Garrett Lisi at the annual Burning Man festival.

Newtonian physics describes why a rolling ball eventually stops. Relativity explains why you don't fly right off the spinning Earth and into space. Quantum mechanics explains why the same force that keeps you firmly planted on Earth doesn't tear you to shreds. The only problem is, none of these physical theories fully -- entirely -- explains every single aspect of the universe. What's more, while we know that the universe is influenced by four forces -- gravity, electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclear forces -- we don't know how gravity works in conjunction with the other three. But there must be one common thread that binds them all together: A theory of everything.
Physicists have searched for the thread that unites relativity and the standard model of quantum physics. If uncovered, this same thread is expected to reveal what constitutes the fabric from which our entire universe is woven. In the 1970s, physicist Michio Kaku postulated string theory. This theory of everything predicts that small, vibrating strings serve as the building blocks of all matter, and that their vibrations create all four of the forces in our universe.
But Kaku's theory requires the existence of 11 dimensions to work and, so far, we only know of four dimensions. Despite the fact that it can't be readily proven true, string theory has breathed life into the pursuit of the theory of everything, and the world of physics has invested deep inquiry into the theory.
Using yet-undiscovered aspects of physics to make scientific predictions is nothing new. The fact that scientists have yet to find tiny strings through scientific observation doesn't rule out string theory. And Einstein's special relativity mathematically predicted the existence of black holes, long before any evidence of them had been observed.
While academia has pursued its inquiry into the predictions of string theory, A. Garrett Lisi -- a Ph.D. in physics -- has lived in self-imposed exile from his field. He's spent his summers surfing in Hawaii and winters snowboarding in California. Perhaps while enjoying the snow and sea he found inspiration for what will prove to be the theory of everything.



  1. I think this article tells us what Lisi did and how he can try and prove his own theory by surfing and snowboarding.The role of a scientist today is that they discover why things are the way they are.They study why things happen,and how things happen to help people understand the world around them.They do expirments and do it over to find out the results they need/want.

  2. I think that this article basically tries to connect einstien's and newton's theories to this one man who has the theory of everything. the role of a scientist is to question the world and prove theories, using resources they have based on scientific facts and their prior knowledge. I think that Lisi is a determined person who sits on a beach and questions his "theory of everything" which is probably getting him one step closer to him proving his theory right or wrong. ~ haillie

  3. I think this article is basically about the scientific struggle to prove the theory of everything and how The threads fit together. Scientists like Lisi and Kuku came up with theory's that can be tested and proven or disproved...both of witch still hasn't occurred yet. Scientists today work hard to benefit our environment by coming up with new studies and experiments. I think Lisi is dedicated in disproving or proveing his "Theory of everything." And the surfing and snowboarding is a way to clear his mind of distractions.

  4. From what I believe, this article is about how scientists come up with theories and try to find a way to prove those theories in the best ways possible. Scientists today have an obligation to explore and discover different things and have explanations for what they believe. I believe that Lisi is just a curious man who wants to prove his theories to be right or wrong.

    Brianna W.

  5. I this that this article is trying to compare and connect Newton's and Einstine's theory to Lisi theory of the theory of everything.The role of scientisit is to study,test,prove theorys on what they seen or heard.Lisi seems really determined to prove his theory correct and not going to stop until correct - Kevin Higgins

  6. I think this article tells about the theory of everything and how it is yet to be proven or disproven. The role of a scientist today is to study about different things happening in the world and to find out the cause of why its happening. I think Lisi is a very devoted and committed person trying to prove or disprove his theory by surfing and snowboarding which will probably give him some motivation on his theory. - Irene C

  7. This article pretty much compares Einstein's theory to Lissi's . I think this is going to be another theory that won't be proven .
    -Daniel Velez

  8. I think this article is relating other theories from scientist to Lissi's theory to show different ideas on how the universe was created. I think the roles of scientist today is trying to find out how we came into existence. I think Lissi is a very smart man who is trying to prove his theory right.

  9. i think this article is informing us about what Lisi does everyday of his life. it is explaining his theory of everything and what he is searching for. i belive it is comparing
    Einstiens theory to his theory. i really dont think that Lisi will find what he is searching for, he will stay on the beach aand come up clueless with his theory
    - Nicholas Padilla

  10. This article basically tells me that scientists have theories, but they aren't always correct. I think that the role of scientists today is to prove theories of the past. I think Lisi is a man who has a theory but can't exactly prove it.

    -Bryant Mena

  11. Based on this article, i think that this article is trying to tell me that everything must have a theory from what Lisi is telling me. This article tells me that newtons and many other things have a story behind it. Lisi is a man who thinks everything has a theory. It seems to me that Lisi doesn't give up on what he believes in. Today, the role of scientist is that they discover and have many information as much as possible to defend their discovery or studying. This is a great article. This basically helps me think about if everything does have a theory.

    -Lizette Medina period 8

  12. I believe this article is about how scientists struggle to make it known that there is a way everything came to be. The roles of scientists today are not easy. When they prove or disprove something, critics always have something to say about how they figured it out or not. Lisi, wanted to prove everything all at once. He wanted to show that his "Theory of Everything" could be proven. He uses surfing and snowboarding to clear his mind then to get back to work.

  13. I think this article is basicly trying to explain how Lisi is trying to not only combine both Newton & Einstiens theories but come up with one big possible explaination as to how this world came about. I might say his methods toward proving this are weird but each scientist has their own different way to getting insperation or finding a conclusion to something. I mean that is scientist todays job, to figure out any possible theory they can that can help us all better understand this universe. As for this article itself, i believe it deffinately helped me think of how the world did come about, i look at it from a totally different aspect now & who knows, maybe the sufer guy is smarter then he looks :) - Samantha Soto

  14. I think this article informs me about Scientists that have theories that are yet to be proven. The role of a scientist today is to Answer the hard questions that no one seems to know, but science can answer. Lisi is a very determined man however, I honestly don't think his theory will be proven.

    -Tanisha M.

  15. I think that this article is about the theory of everything and how it is yet proven or disproven. I think that the role of scientist today is to prove or disaprove diffrent theories. I think that Lisi is a very determined man who realy wants to discover the theory of everything.

  16. My understanding of the article is numerous scientists are trying to find a way to uncomplicate the universe. Lisi is a devoted scientist, trying to create a theory in which both society and himself can know the truth. If succeeded the question 'How was the universe created?' will finally be solved.

    -Bria Ashley Edwards .

  17. i think this article is based on lisi trying to come up with a theory but is using the help of newtons nd einstiens idea of theory to figure it out in a way of his own and i tend to find this very interesting because it goes to show that any man or women can prove a theory they beleive with the patience - nayla cruz <3

  18. I think this article tells us about Lisi's theory and how he plans to prove it.The job of a scientist is to come up with theories on anything they find questionable and do research and experiments to prove those theories right.
    - jayson casado

  19. From my viewing of this article Lisi is trying to create the the theory of everything,But while creating the theory he is using older theories to help his theory out-Steven Bautista

  20. From my understanding, Lisi is trying to make a theory based on previous scientific knowledge from scientists like Einstein and Newton.

    ~Destini K. Bennett

  21. WOW!! THESE COMMENTS ARE GREAT!! You all hit the nail on the head!

  22. From reading this article, it seems that Lisi could be on to something. He's pretty much an insipration. I think that by trying to discover how everything was created is a challenge, but he seems to be succeeding. I also think its good that hes doing this all on his own, no lab or anything. Just him and the waves or snow. More scientist should follow in his footsteps in trying to figure certain theories, because unless you find EXACTLY how its done, it will always be just a theory.

  23. From what i read, I believe Lisi is trying to find out how everything was created so he is trying to come up with a theory that he can prove is correct. The role of a scientist is to test different theories to see if they can be proven correct.


  24. Us human beings live on a big place called UNIVERSE and I think this article is about brilliant people trying to discover how the whole universe works. Scientists's have many roles but i think their role is to uncover how everything works and thats what Lisi just did with his theory of everything. Since it's just a theory, I think Lisi did a great job because of how amazing his works are. . . ★★★★★

  25. i think this article is basicaly about lisi and how hes trying to find out how everything was created.Scientists today spend their time trying to prove famous theories. i think lisi is smart to spend his time doing what he does because one day when he does figure it all out he will become very famous.

    - jessica julien

  26. i think this artic is more about the origin of everything and how lisi is useing his knowledge to figure out were the universe came from. i hope that he figures it out because it would be cool to know were we all came from it would answer alot of questions

    jonathan collie

  27. i think this article is about how lisi trys to find where the atoms came from. He studies all day looking for where the atoms came from and how the universe was created. He uses the theories Einstein used.
    -Oscar Valdes

  28. i think lisi is trying to come up with the theory for everything by using models of einstein to help him. and he has gone the extra step to come up with this theory.

    Princess Cruz
